Runes and other symbols have been horribly appropriated and used as emblems of hatred and violence. I differentiate myself and my runes and other symbols from people who use them to signify anything like that. My artwork about runes and the Web of Wyrd or any other symbol is not intended in any way to express or represent any sentiment of hatred towards anyone or anything.

Everybody has the right to thrive and be themselves, regardless of their various backgrounds, nationalities, religions, races, abilities, languages, dietary needs, genders and orientations.


Web Of Wyrd Interpretation

The runes are a language which includes a lot of symbolic meaning of various kinds. They are used to represent a wide variety of phenomena and situations.

Languages are often evolving and updating themselves as people use them. Runes and bindrunes are getting a lot of contemporary use.

This page is mostly about looking at what shape the runes might be geometrically in relation to the Web of Wyrd symbol:

web of wyrd. alison lobbe
web of wyrd. alison lobbe

I wanted to use runes in my artwork as symbolic language and as text, so I needed to decide how to make them first. I had read ubiquitous paraphrasings of the idea that the runes can be formed upon the Web of Wyrd symbol. I tried drawing a few different variations of the Web Of Wyrd symbol with lines in different places and on different angles, of varying lengths and drawn upon different grids, with the runes drawn along the lines of the symbol in a few different places, of different sizes, different angles and variations. I tried the Elder Futhark, the long-branch Younger Futhark and the Anglo-Saxon-Northumbrian Futhorc.

past-present-future web-of-wyrd. alison lobbe
weird isnt it. alison lobbe

The Web of Wyrd symbol can function as a larger/smaller repeating fractal pattern. It can be zoomed in or out and repeated infinitely. It can also be repeated infinitely beside itself:


webofwyrd upon webofwyrd. alison lobbe

THE web-of-wyrd recurring:

web-of-wyrd recurring. alison lobbe
the web of wyrd recurring. alison lobbe
web of wyrd fractal. alison lobbe



I decided that I would use an expanded variation of this Web of Wyrd symbol. It is the Web-of -Wyrd Pattern / the W-O-W Pattern. It begins at a crosspoint in the centre of a diagonal square grid. A central vertical line and every second vertical line is added. The pattern can repeat indefinitely:

w-o-w pattern .alison lobbe


alison lobbe w-o-w grid
alison lobbe w-o-w grid GIF


alison lobbe w-o-w tesselation
alison lobbe w-o-w tesselation






The runes fit on the Web of Wyrd symbol when some of them are scaled to different sizes and slightly altered. It seemed incomplete to me, and I really wanted to add some more lines to the symbol to make the runes align.

The runes aligned closely on a variation of the W-O-W Pattern that had twelve extra diagonal lines added to the Web of Wyrd symbol. I named it The 3,9,9 W-O-W Pattern, because it has three vertical lines, nine diagonal lines in one direction and nine diagonal lines in the other direction:


3,9,9 W-O-W Pattern. alison lobbe
3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe

THE 3,9,9 W-O-W PATTERN upon the web-of-wyrd:

web of wyrd 3,9,9 W-O-W Pattern. alison lobbe

THE twelve extra diagonal lines in the 3,9,9 W-O-W PATTERN:

the twelve extra diagonal lines in the 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
web-of-wyrd 3,9,9 W-O-W Pattern. alison lobbe

The runes that I formed upon the 3,9,9 W-O-W Pattern can alternate between the W-O-W Pattern, letters in text and geometrically consistent bindrunes without changing the angles or the proportionate scale.


When making the Elder Futhark on the W-O-W Pattern, Dagaz ᛞ and Gebo ᚷ had to be either twice as wide or half as tall as the other runes. It was a hard decision but I chose to use the smaller variations, and to keep the W-O-W Pattern rectangular. Othala ᛟ was an interesting shape. To keep the angles and make it the same height as the others, I had to change the length of the segments. It worked but I decided to keep the segments the same length as the others, so I made Othala ᛟ 3/4 height.

elder-futhark. 3,9,9 web-of-wyrd-pattern. alison lobbe
elder futhark. three aetts. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
elder futhark. three aetts. alison lobbe

THE names of the elder futhark runes:

fehu. a.lobbe
fehu. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Fehu ᚠ
uruz. a.lobbe
uruz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Uruz ᚢ
thurisaz. a.lobbe
thurisaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Thurisaz ᚦ
ansuz a.lobbe
ansuz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ansuz ᚨ
raidho. a.lobbe
raidho. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Raidho ᚱ
kenaz. a.lobbe
kenaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Kenaz ᚲ
gebo. a.lobbe
gebo. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Gebo ᚷ
wunjo. a.lobbe
wunjo. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Wunjo ᚹ
interpunct. a.lobbe
interpunct. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
hagal. a.lobbe
hagal. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Hagal ᚺ
naudhiz. a.lobbe
naudhiz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Naudhiz ᚾ
isa. a.lobbe
isa. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Isa ᛁ
jera. a.lobbe
jera. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Jera ᛃ
eihwaz. a.lobbe
eihwaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Eihwaz ᛇ
perthro. a.lobbe
perthro. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Perthro ᛈ
algiz. a.lobbe
algiz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Algiz ᛉ
sowelu. a.lobbe
sowelu. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Sowelu ᛋ
interpunct. a.lobbe
interpunct. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
tiwaz. a.lobbe
tiwaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Tiwaz ᛏ
berkano. a.lobbe
berkano. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Berkano ᛒ
ehwaz. a.lobbe
ehwaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ehwaz ᛖ
mannaz. a.lobbe
mannaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Mannaz ᛗ
laguz. a.lobbe
laguz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Laguz ᛚ
ingwaz. a.lobbe
ingwaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ingwaz ᛜ
dagaz. a.lobbe
dagaz. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Dagaz ᛞ
othala. a.lobbe
othala. elder futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Othala ᛟ



When I made the long-branch Younger Futhark I tried adding circles to the grid to make the curved lines in the runes. I decided to keep all of the lines straight so that the bindrunes can interlock seamlessly.

long branch younger-futhark. 3,9,9 web-of-wyrd pattern. alison lobbe
long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
long branch younger futhark. alison lobbe

THE names of the long-branch younger futhark runes:

fe. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
fe. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Fe ᚠ
ur. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
ur. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ur ᚢ
thurs. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
thurs. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Thurs ᚦ
ass. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
ass. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ass ᚬ
reid. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
reid. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Reid ᚱ
kaun. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
kaun. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Kaun ᚴ
hagall. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
hagall. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Hagall ᚼ
naudr. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
naudr. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Naudr ᚾ
interpunct. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
interpunct. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛬
isa. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
isa. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Isa ᛁ
ar. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
ar. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ar ᛅ
sol. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
sol. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Sol ᛋ
tyr. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
tyr. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Tyr ᛏ
bjarkan. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
bjarkan. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Bjarkan ᛒ
madr. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
madr. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Madr ᛘ
logr. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
logr. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Logr ᛚ
yr. younger futhark long branch. alison lobbe
yr. long branch younger futhark. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Yr ᛦ


anglo-saxon-northumbrian-futhorc. 3,9,9 web-of-wyrd-pattern. alison lobbe
anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe

THE names of the anglo-saxon-northumbrian-futhorc runes:

feoh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
feoh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Feoh ᚠ
ur. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ur. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ur ᚢ
thorn. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
thorn. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Thorn ᚦ
os. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
os. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Os ᚩ
rad. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
rad. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Rad ᚱ
cen. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
cen. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Cen ᚳ
gyfu. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
gyfu. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Gyfu ᚷ
wynn. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
wynn. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Wynn ᚹ
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
haegl. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
haegl. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Haegl ᚻ
nyd. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
nyd. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Nyd ᚾ
is. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
is. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Is ᛁ
ger. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ger. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ger ᛄ
eoh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
eoh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Eoh ᛇ
peorth. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
peorth. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Peorth ᛈ
eolhx. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
eolhx. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Eolhx ᛉ
sigel. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
sigel. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Sigel ᛋ
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
tiw. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
tiw. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Tiw ᛏ
beorc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
beorc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Beorc ᛒ
eh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
eh. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Eh ᛖ
mann. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
mann. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Mann ᛗ
lagu. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
lagu. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Lagu ᛚ
ing. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ing. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ing ᛝ
daeg. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
daeg. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Daeg ᛞ
ethel. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ethel. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ethel ᛟ
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
ac. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ac. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ac ᚪ
aesc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
aesc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Aesc ᚫ
yr. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
yr. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Yr ᚣ
ior. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ior. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ior ᛡ
ear. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
ear. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Ear ᛠ
cweorth. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
cweorth. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Cweorth ᛢ
calc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
calc. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Calc ᛣ
stan. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
stan. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Stan ᛥ
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
interpunct. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Interpunct ᛫
gar. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. alison lobbe
gar. anglo-saxon-northumbrian futhorc. 3,9,9 w-o-w pattern. alison lobbe
Gar ᚸ

References:, RunatalsÞáttr Oðins _Odin´s Rune-song, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.

Harger A 2023, The Web of Wyrd, Whispers of Yggdrasil, viewed 08/08/23, <>.

Heilung 2015, In Maidjan, Bandcamp, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.

Hopkins J & Fountain LE 2020, Web of Wyrd,, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.

Marius 2023, Old Norse Concept of Fate and The Web of Wyrd,, viewed 08/08/2023, <>., Runes, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.

Skjalden 2020, Norns are the personifications of the past, the present, and the future, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.

Unicode, Runic, viewed 08/08/2023, <>.